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Lions have a great vision, especially at night they are able to see much better than the human eye. In terms of color, lions see predominantly blue, green and yellow colors and are unable to see red colors. During the day, lions can see objects six to eight times as far in the distance as humans

Hummingbirds see in near to UV (ultra-violet), which is the reason tones like radiant red, pink, or orange stand apart more effectively to them. Many natural products, vegetables, blossoms and seeds are brilliantly hued – they stand out to creatures, like hummingbirds, and creepy crawlies more so than people.
Most dolphins have really good eyesight and can see objects at far distances. However, we are not sure if dolphins can see any color at all. In the dark depth of the ocean, they use echolocation to “see” their surroundings.

Hedgehogs have rather poor eyesight. While they can see outlines of objects, their depth perception is quite limited and the range of color they see is limited to brownish and cream colors.
While hedgehogs don’t have great eyes, they make up for that with their hearing. While humans can only hear sound frequencies from 64 to 23,000 Hz, they have a range from 250 up to 45,000 Hz.

Turtles have great vision and they are even fit for following and grabbing speedy prey underwater. Just as ably moving around objects. It is observed that turtles have an odd fascination with the shadings red, yellow, and orange. At the point when they see objects of these tones, they would frequently research the item.
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